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Propel your electoral coverage with BeatVote

BeatVote, the cutting-edge solution from SNGULAR, delivering real-time electoral information seamlessly on media websites during election nights.


The challenges of election coverage for the media

Elections are crucial moments for the media as they strive to provide accurate and real-time election information. However, this challenge becomes a true test both technically and organizationally. During these events, many media outlets commonly face the threat of crashes on their digital platforms, particularly during peak hours, significantly impacting their ability to reach the audience effectively.

Transforming media election coverage

It is in this context that BeatVote was born, a solution that can be easily integrated into media websites and that presents election information in real time through widgets and results pages.

The front page widgets provide a quick view of the progress of the election count, with functions such as filters, graphs of deputies and councilors, links to interactive maps and a pact calculator. On the other hand, the results pages offer more detailed information and historical comparisons. All of this is integrated into the media websites, while maintaining their visual appearance.

BeatVote also handles real-time data ingestion and offers technical support and monitoring during election night to ensure uninterrupted performance.

Success Story

Real-time election information

BeatVote provides real-time election information from official sources at different levels, from national to local, including provinces, municipalities and neighborhoods. Most importantly, they are updated in real time, always keeping the information up to date for users.

Easily integrated elements

Widgets and results pages are content elements that can be easily embedded in your content management system. The information presented is highly customizable, allowing it to be perfectly adapted to the needs of each medium.

Support and monitoring service during the election day

We offer a comprehensive service during electoral events, guaranteeing immediate technical support. We actively monitor the entire event, ensuring that data is published with the lowest possible latency, guaranteeing that the electoral coverage is provided smoothly and efficiently.

Live tracking, customization for your website supported by the best cloud infrastructure

Live tracking, customization for your website supported by the best cloud infrastructure

BeatVote's success in 12 elections and a remarkable performance in the 28M elections

So far, BeatVote has successfully supported a total of 12 elections, proving its capability and reliability in each event. A highlight was its outstanding performance during the May 28 elections, where it managed more than 17 simultaneous data ingestion processes, exceeding established expectations.

During that election period, more than 16,000 pages of detailed results were created and delivered to users, providing a wide range of election information. In addition, BeatVote transmitted a total of more than 190 GB of data quickly and reliably, ensuring a seamless experience for our valued customers.

We are proud to have a diverse portfolio of clients, including well-known media outlets such as La Razón, La Vanguardia, Heraldo, 20 minutos, Radio Huesca, Diario de Navarra and La Información.

Marcos Labad

Team Catalyst Director at SNGULAR

The BeatVote project has allowed us to understand the needs of the media during election night. Our principal objective has been to ease the undertaking of covering this crucial event and provide them with an intuitive and functional tool that allows them to focus on their journalistic work.

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